1st Grade 2024-2025 School Year

For our 1st grade, American Christian Academy furnishes a world class Christian education for your student. We focus on building the foundational knowledge necessary to be successful in Elementary and beyond. We provide 36 weeks of core class material using five books from Master Books along with a superb Open Source Phonics cirriculum, with various additional electives available. The normal daily schedule should normally take three hours per day for a parent to deploy to their student. We are excited to see what God does in the life of your student!

Module 1 Welcome to 1st Grade!
Unit 1 Welcome Packet  
Module 2 Fall Semester Attendance
Unit 1 Fall Semester Attendance Sheet  
Module 3 Fall Semester Report Card
Unit 1 Fall Semester Report Card  
Module 4 Spring Semester Attendance
Unit 1 Spring Semester Attendance Sheet  
Module 5 Spring Semester Report Card
Unit 1 Spring Semester Report Card  

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